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Rephume October 21, 2023 4:42 pm

Okay, I somewhat regret reading.i read this manga as it seemed to be an interesting action BL manga. Its due to Hyeon (ML) being so creepy. There were red flags blaring everywhere throughout the storyline. The first few chapters where Hayeon used Yiseon's weakness of the dead friends against him, I can go past to an extent cause human nature right? But slowly as the plot progress, I can't tell whether he actually likes Yiseon or using him to gain his goals. It was the dynamic in the begging until his goal of becoming president was destroyed. And despite that, he still fucked Siyeon (MC) afterwards. Like, what. I do not understand this man at all. He goes out of his way to protect Siyeon with the ulterior motive to manipulate and control him to his will. Icky. Since Siyeon is an S-class restorer it may be a motive why he wants him. But huh?? I'm so confused by his character. Speaking of character, does Siyeon get no character development? To me, it seemed like he was just a puppet in the past being controll by Hyeon. As a non-combater, he could at least wore protection gears or learn how to defend himself. But he chooses to do none of those despite being in numerous occasions of assault and murder?? Just vecause he is a non combater, does not mean he should bot protect himself. In an action novel, I kind of expected SOME character growth, but I saw none at all. I understand that Siyeon is in the process if recovering from PTSD, but could've he consulted a therapist if he really wanted to live?? Well to be fair, it seemed like he didn't wanna live at all so...
In conclusion, Hyeon gives my the icks and Siyeon is a pussy.

    Rephume October 21, 2023 4:45 pm

    Despite the happy ending, it was a tough read and really wasn't to my liking

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