No one in any shape of form can still have healthy spirit and mental if they put in such a situation (i was bullied and my friend has a divorced parents with financial problem, ive grown with panic and anxeity disorder with suciadal thoughts, while my friend have grown with bipolar disorder).
When the ML explain type of person who r gonna grow up such apethetic, it suits the mc the most (well not "literaly the most" cus he did have lil emptahy but zero consideration of others). And when one of his employe (orange hair) said "not anyone can be like u", i really hoping the mc has charather development and be more considered of others feeling, especially the kid. But 44 chapter still his thoughts of the kid dont change (well change lil bit cus of the kid's mom).
But i do like him lil bit cus somehow he is such a inspirasing monotone person but still his charather flaws annoyed me.
2023-11-16 13:07 marked
I DONT LIKE the mc on how apathetic he is bc even tho they have the same fa...