This was so good. I honestly thought that jaeha would’ve survived that accident… but he didn’t…. God… this manhwa just pained me a lot… i feel so so bad for yoseob…. He was just a child.. he didn’t know his emotions and all that… if only he received treatment earlier, both of them could’ve lived a better life. Everybody deserved a happy ending. Does yoseob even know that jaeha died? That’s a question as well. Cuz if he doesn’t, and if he truly believes that the hallucination is really jaeha, that’s just super super sad. When the scene they visited the columbarium.. i was like noooo it can’t be… and when i saw that picture… i had to stop reading and process things… God…. This is just too painful…
Honestly, i felt like the ending was too rushed. The plot and overall was good, but the ending just felt too… bland… i mean the ending was satisfactory but i wished it was longer and more elaborated. I can’t explain how, but yea that’s how i feel. But the story is good nevertheless