The uke is too precious, the seme doesn't deserve him ;---;

Lol since this has gotten so downvoted I wanted to word it better. The seme is a selfish piece of shit who just did whatever he wanted like a fucking kid who can't control their desires and the uke just fucking let that happen without any explanation. The uke is cute but ffs what a wimp. I am not blaming the victim here whatsoever, but it baffles me how he just acts like nothing happened and they're like lovey-dovey and shit afterwards. "You raped but oh I forgive you because you were jealous!1!1!1"

Fuck those downvoters, you are right as fuck. Loved your second comment too.

how are you gonna call the uke precious and then say he's a wimp dfhdkfd. also not saying you are victim blaming but your wording definitely gives off the feeling. you should have said "he's too easily taken advantage of" or something along those lines instead of calling him a wimp lmao

Eh... yeah, as much as I can handle fucked-up-ness that was a bit too much for me. I've been rooting for Ikuro's old classmate back at the university since day one. I'll only read this again if they end up together, honestly Ikuro really deserves better. And the Butler can just kindly fuck off somewhere else
Supposedly dislikes the guy yet grabs his d out of nowhere and for no reason (???). Yaoi Logic Strikes Again (nothatiamcomplaining*cough*)