I can't lie, I actually like the empress as a character. In no way do I support her actions or the way she treats Etienne, but I enjoy her writing.
She a cruel, calculated, and cold mother. She'd do anything to get Etienne on the throne. No matter who she has to sacrifice. She's a genuine and well thought out villain. Don't jump me, I'm just expressing how I like her character, not that I necessarily like her specifically.

I've waited over a year for volume 3 to come out, when I first found this I was a little put off by the kinky stuff in the beginning, but I grew used to it. This was honestly such an interesting read, the plot, the art, the characters, their design, everything was stunning and written incredibly well. I cannot express the amount of joy this gave me. I wish we would see the child M took in growing up, but I know that won't happen. This filled me with so many emotions that I'm sad it's over. I'll definitely be revisiting this whenever I need a quick re-read.

God this is so messed up. I knew how bad it was as soon as I started comparing them to dark fall characters. I felt so utterly disgusted whenever they raped him, I know this Is dark and I'll probably finish it, but that dosent mean I enjoy this. Half the time I just squint and scroll through the sex scenes, It's just disturbing. I hope before anyone reads this that they read the comments first, I probably should've done that. But I have a "fuck around and find out" mentaility with these things, not something aibwould recommend.
If you're planning to read this then please heed the warnings.
I lowkey wish they were able to work out a compromise with the director. He obviously has a shit ton of knowledge about the Rakshasha world and is against the King of Naraka. They would benefit from having him on their side greatly. Really wish he didn't have to die
You know that the king of Naraka didn't want anyone out in the first place? That mofo won't help and might even give more false info. Better be dead honestly.