I lowkey wish they were able to work out a compromise with the director. He obviously has a shit ton of knowledge about the Rakshasha world and is against the King of Naraka. They would benefit from having him on their side greatly. Really wish he didn't have to die
You know that the king of Naraka didn't want anyone out in the first place? That mofo won't help and might even give more false info. Better be dead honestly.
Was it rlly that bad? The artstyle is good so i wanted to read it but it had 7 stars so I've been checking the comments Nickname
It was bad, but I've read worse. It's just abuse basically, dubious consent. If you're really bored then sure read it, otherwise I wouldn't waste your time
I lowkey wish they were able to work out a compromise with the director. He obviously has a shit ton of knowledge about the Rakshasha world and is against the King of Naraka. They would benefit from having him on their side greatly. Really wish he didn't have to die
You know that the king of Naraka didn't want anyone out in the first place? That mofo won't help and might even give more false info. Better be dead honestly.