I like this story but it’s lacking common sense. She known the boy is powerful but his wounds would never heal when you have a store of literal healing people from the best of the best. In ch 14 I know the sword is strong but how is someone who half ass training and is smaller than her peers and she’s 7 going to slam a grown man. It’s just weird how this was even allowed in the first place like she couldn’t get another soldier to do it.

But its said in the beginnig that alchemy is good for simple wounds, but his wound is a magic wound, so it wouldnt be far fetched if it couldnt be healed…
Also Low wasnt going to fight Mia seriously, so he got suprised and pushed back.
I get it that here and there everything kind of seems to fall in place without major issues or interference but Im guessing that aspect will become more relevnt later in the story (it has already been teased)
Yeah now if he kills you it’s valid why tf would you sign him up for bathroom duty. I would be mad asf