Techno-chan followed a goer
27 10,2023
Techno-chan created a topic of Confession Night

I don't understand. How can the top be having sex with the devil even after knowing he is not his bf?? Did he even love him?? The devil is not that bothered to be a replacement either. This is so weird

When you're so weird even the devil looks at you like this

Techno-chan created a topic of Oni to Tengoku

Wow seme's character development is insanely good yo. I luv them seeing them happy together.


That little "be in love with you" text omgg

They're so cute

I might js kms

Techno-chan created a topic of Payback

Kinda hoped they'd do the deed for the sake of reaching ch 69 but oh well

How tf am I supposed to react to this abomination

Techno-chan created a topic of Golden Opportunity

I like the plot and all but like why is the mc so... pathetic?? I honestly don't see why they added the time travel plot since even after he came back, he is still the same. He says he's gonna do something but then again goes to sleep with random dudes. Like c'mon bro have some self respect I'm dying out here seeing you like that.
Also why is he still in love with the ML knowing that he killed him??(atleast that's what he thinks but it's prolly not the ML who killed him but still)
The author could've made him more strong and powerful instead him getting assault here and there. Really doesn't sit right w/ me how the assault was made to seem like something casual.
And the ML. My god he is no better. He keeps giving mixed signal like. If you love him then SAY SO. Instead he goes around fucking substitute of mc and getting jealous even though he was the one who threw him away.
I js hope the upcoming seasons are atleast a bit better and we could see our mc fight even js for a little bit.