Techno-chan created a topic of Swallow You Whole

Who wants to bet that the glasses mugo is the evil one and not the jerk mugo

Techno-chan created a topic of Myst, Might, Mayhem

Honestly what is MC? Seems like he doesn't feel any emotions like psychopath but obviously he's far crueler than any psychopath murderers out there. Calling him a mere murderous psychopath is honestly an understatement here

Techno-chan answered question about question
Isn't this called being a pushover
Techno-chan created a topic of Reverse Thinking

Praying to God they won't add the gang rape here

Techno-chan created a topic of Into the Rose Garden

Why is it so peaceful.... something's not right someone pls spoil what bad is going to happen in this 2nd timeline hope it's not that bad tbh

Techno-chan created a topic of Reverse Thinking

Ok so what is seme's backstory? I mean he can't be doing this just for fun yk( or maybe he is) but idk I wanna know. Anyone got spoilers?

Techno-chan created a topic of mouth to mouse
Techno-chan created a topic of The Heart of the Lotus

Well uhh someone's gonna get deepthroated next chap

Techno-chan created a topic of 19 Days

Lil mo you're indeed not dreaming

Techno-chan followed a list
01 11,2024

Does any dear soul have the chapter numbers with smut??? Cuz I already read the pg-13 version ahhhh.

Techno-chan answered question about question
Heyy guys I have the answer. Please look at the pictures below.

I remember reading this few years ago and it still hasn't finished yet??