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sunnyglasses created a topic of Kimi no Gin no Ashi

It's so well written!! It talks about disability in a nuanced way, and shows conflict in a harsh, but realistic manner. Susumu is a very relatable character, his loss of what he considered his purpose in life, is portrayed so well. I think anyone who has had depression could understand why Susumu lashed out after what Tobias said, because when someone is depressed, it's difficult to imagine that things could be better. It's an invisible hurdle in a similiar way to his disability. That said his lashing out was not justified, and the author makes sure to show that and I think that's really cool. The recent chapters revealed Susumu's tendency to keep himself busy and that's such a genuine portrayal of someone recovering depression. Their relationship is so down to earth and despite some communication issues, they're really good for eachother.
All in all, 0/10 manga.