sunnyglasses's feed

Long ass rant:
According to this comment section, because Nuo is traumatized and has difficulty getting into relationships, that makes him into a toxic manipulator.
Are these people just ignoring the fact that Mo willingly got into the relationship to keep him close, or did we just not read the same manhua?
Why are you guys treating Mo as if he's some innocent baby who has never done wrong?
Mo's presented to us as a cold, selfish and emotionally constipated (a tsundere in mangago terminology) person, he's grown over the chapters, but don't forget he's in a position of power pursuing an employee.
Nuo didn't want to pursue the relationship in the first place, knowing he wouldn't be able to meet the expectations of Mo, but this comment section treats him like he's the instigator, when it's literally Mo who kept chasing after him, despite the fact Nuo's made his intentions clear.

Anyway thesis over, time to complain about silly stuff:
-the uploaders notes in the middle of the chapters are so immersion breaking and cringy (i died of embarassment 30 times)
-people who keep asking for a second love interest for Mo clearly have mangago as a personality and are 12 years old (lmao cringe )
-roblox doors (what is it)

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