Wow I can’t believe this is ending already ╥﹏╥I own the physical copies of this manga so I’ve been following it for a while , I stopped reading a while ago since I was busy and I didn’t have money to buy the rest so I began reading it online and ugh *sobs* this was such a good story , but AUTHOR, WHERES THE WEDDING?

I really really liked this story’! I had first started this around 2021 but for some odd reason I didn’t finish reading , today I decided to pick it up from the start and finish it and wow. Seriously it’s strange to find such a healthy relationship or even the male lead! Doc as soonest things began to get serious he did not hesitate to drop every side quest he had going on and I love that, I saw a comment talking about some “ this needed a chasing arc” but it really didn’t in my opinion. The doc didn’t technically do anything bad while he was with m
Hyuk, not only that but I believe the two week break they took was ok, when doc and hyuk met he was very honest with him which I loved , they are both grown and took the situation like the mature people they are. We can’t forget that the moment the misunderstanding exploded hyuk didn’t hesitate to drop him , so any other unnecessary drama wasn’t needed at all!! My only complain was that I wish we would’ve seen more of the side couple and how the relationship developed etc etc
The pacing was good so were the characters. Overall I give it a good 8/10 I really recommend this <3
I just found out the author of this is a man and many things make sense now
yesss it explains so much
Makes sense about what? Genuine question, i am kinda slow
The unrealistic way she is drawn I think
Thank you for the answer!
its speculation and so what if she has big boobs? i dont see anyone searching for the real identities of female authors so whys it so hard for people to respect this authors privacy?
and your telling me this for what exactly? I wasn’t the one who went and “dig out ” the information and there’s several tweets about it already. Second I never specified why I said what I said , so maybe don’t just go assuming things
its really obvious... pls do clarify what 'many things' are that are OBVIOUSLY driven by a male author then...
Hehe don’t worry ! But yes as our mate replied it does have to do a bit with the proportion parts, but I also meant about the story itself , older woman x younger man it’s a common male fantasy , and the way some character traits are portrayed as well didn’t give off “ a woman wrote this” , idk if it makes sense ? Sorry I just woke up and I’m answering half asleep my Brain is stills waking up
Gladly, proportions wasn’t the main focus of my statement , but the storyline itself. Older woman x younger man it’s a common male fantasy and everyone knows that. Not only that but the way both haeeso and wtb his name was are portrayed don’t give off “ a woman wrote this “ , ml is essentially a man with savior complex chasing and lusting over a “ weak older woman “ with a cheating husband like come on
Oh and let’s say it all ended being a speculation and we still don’t know the authors genre , my opinion will still remain
how does he have a saviour complex? this is like the MOST common female manwha trope ever pls.. how do u explain the reason for the flashbacks of mincheol then? why is there so much focus onto their past and her moving on from it and then her avoidance of taeha and their age gap?
Are you a man or what , you is getting all worked up over nothing and girl how tf am I supposed to know the reason for them I didn’t write this story
I see! Thank you for your answer
u being shady for no reason then, doesnt matter what gender i am
Pls how am I being shady do u even know what that means, ur funny
Don’t take things too serious my cutie zabong , this is a fictional story after all and we are all entitled to have our own opinions, mine may not make any sense to you just the way yours doesn’t make sense to mine , and that’s OKAY
Live in peace my child, i gotta finish my college assignments and get ready for work , fun conversation tho, hope to encounter you in some other comment section (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
ok calling me cutie zabong did stop my annoyance. hope to see you again (/TДT)/
So, female writers don’t eat this trope up ? Also, older w x younger m trope have been popularised a lot recently yet the only one the public seems to nitpick it this one this “fantasy” that your assuming can go both ways bro and If you’re uncomfortable about the premise of this story then understandable but running with any speculation that fits your narrative while being loud and wrong, is crazy.
Yea no I ain’t having this conversation again, ur entitled to ur opinion I’m entitled to mine, I can say and share what I want and so can you, that’s all imma say so let’s leave it there, have a good day!
Bruh can you shut up I saw you copy and paste other comments LMFAOO anyways it’s okay to draw curvy girls but sometimes it’s doing too much. Like one piece (which is a good anime) but you cannot ignore its weird designs.
you shut up I did it twice you absolute beg why are you getting involved as a third party shut
I mean It's a manhwa. Did we really read it expecting on point proportions?
Omg guys stop arguing
Ur right (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I’m just a hater at heart heh
I love you daddy almond
( don’t stop )