Hello everyone.
Author of this manhwa sent me a msg to my mangago account. She wants to me stop translating it, so I have no choice but to stop, sorry for the readers who've been waiting for the next chapter.

Please don't do this to us t^t maybe that person is fake

Well I don't think it's fake, since author already found out about this translation, told peachpuff to don't translate. And author know this site too. It's kind of sad that we can't read what koreans enjoy reading it.

I agree with kyozana, maybe it was a troll cause i dont see the reason why the author would want you to stop when its for free (i think.. i just saw this on the main forum and did some research) and its only in korean. Your translation is the only way international fans who doesent understand korean can read and appreciate the author's work, unless the author doesent want international fans to read their work and "is racist or some shizz" idk.

It was definitely the real author. If people actually supported the author, it would not be an issue. A lot of Comica artists are just starting out and barely scraping by, despite being very talented and hard-working. It guts them to see that millions of people read their comics, but that their sales and site hits are still really low. I used to think scanlation benefitted artists who were not yet published in English, but I have learned that that's not the case. It's too bad, really. It says a lot about the people here. I can't even count how many times people have linked to "raws" that are on illegal sites rather than the original, for starters. When the chapter is free to view on the legal site, why wouldn't people just view it there so the author gets site hits? I know you are not one of those people, of course. You always encourage people to support the author. But the mass majority of the people who read here couldn't give fewer fucks about the artist, or anyone else.

It's really selfish of you to say that someone is "doing this" to you. Get over your persecution complex and try using a Google a Translate on the legal sites. It's not that hard.

After this manhwa complete, all the chapters will be pay to read so if ppl found out about free chapters no one will pay money to read the chapters so author can't earn anything. And you did a right choice, I don't want you to face problem just cuz you wanted to share manhwa with us

Are you actually trying to say that distributing someone's copyrighted content for free makes the author make more money? "If ppl found out about free chapters no one would pay money to read". I don't inderstand how giving people free chapters illegally solves that problem.

The author has little say in the matter. I recommend gathering signatures and petitioning Comica. It has worked in the past. Just be sure to word everything politely and not to imply that you think piracy is okay. Because they won't listen after that. I can help you word it if you need help.

There's also sites that publish official English translations of webtoons. Spottoon, TappyToon, and Tapas. Maybe the author can look into one of those sites if comica has no plans to offer English releases.

That's true, but the author can't just go and publish wherever. She publishes through Comica, and has a contract with them. They do, however, publish some of their content through Spottoon.

Well of course we don't know the conditions of the contract. If she truly wanted English translations I think it would be more practical for her to negotiate with Comica to allow English releases elsewhere than for us to petition Comica for an English site.

She can't do that. Of course she has asked them for that. I just told you what works. Why are you digging your heels in? Is it too much work? Publishers do not cater to their authors. It doesn't work that way. Comica artists do not experience any level of financial success befitting of how much high quality work they produce. You people jump up and down like crazy saying that scanlation helps webtoon artists, yet you can't even be bothered to visit the legal site to give the author page hits, or to make a petition to reveal to Comica that there are lots of people willing to buy official English chapters. I'm waiting for a shred of evidence that any of you give a single fuck about the author or her success. You just want your free chapters, and you want them now. No wonder she said she couldn't bring herself to stay here. She said when she read the comments here, it broke her heart. She's having trouble working on her webtoon because of how awful this has made her feel. No one here seems to care about that at all. It's really quite sickening.

I actually hope you can do this, so people will actually have to go to the legit author comic and not here, at least the author would gain views (that I suppose are what decide each author income). Can you tell us if it's doable? If not, I suppose I'll just warch the raws.... since I can't read korean <3

I have done this with other toons, but I don't know Korean. I post them pretty publicly, but no one has said anything about them being copyright infringement or anything like that.

What do you mean by post publicly? By the way I "read" (watch lol since i don't know korean) some comics on the legit sites and follow a txt only english translation, that saves me from the pits of despair. I mean, I don't think that's illegal, since you actually read from the legit sites and make the authors gain the views they deserve. Watching raws without understanding anything is not a thing I like, cause it spoils everything and you literally don't understand. So let's just hope @Peachpuff can say something to us about this solution, if it's doable I'll cry of joy.

I post them on multiple blog sites, including Tumblr. I don't think they mind. They aren't enjoyable to read if you don't have the raws to follow.

I don't know if this comment was targeted toward me, the anon you replied to, but I've said none of that. I am aware scanlations are not beneficial to authors, especially webtoon authors, which is why I don't consider the continuing to scanlations a solution. I suggested Spottoon, Tapas, or TappyToon because I know they do publish official English translations for a variety of Korean webtoons from multiple sites. You even said some have been published through Spottoon. I do not know the specifics of a contact with Comica, they most likely do not make that information public and only provide it to authors they are contracted with. If Comica is unwilling to negotiate then the suggestion is thrown out. My suggestion still is for official translatIons, not free scanlations. I think it's unlikely a petition will work but I am by no means trying to dissuade anyone who wants a petition from doing it. You think a petition will work? Go ahead ahead and make one, don't waste time fussing at people here.
Truth be told, I don't read this webtoon in particular but I do read plenty of others. Many of which I do pay for. I even have an account on comica to visit the pages for the few webtoons I read from there with scanlations. I don't have the time nor will to construct a petition to send Comica, when I read so few of their webtoons. You seem passionate for Comica, why don't you write the petition? I wouldn't mind signing. I only replied here after seeing some comments on the homepage.

My deep apologies for misunderstanding. I said specifically a petition because we did a petition for another toon, got lots of signatures, and Comica is responded positively by publishing that toon in English. So I know it works. Sorry for thinking you and the other Anon were the same and making unfair judgments.

It's because something like that happened before so I just said maybe this one is too but I guess I understand the situation ¯_(ツ)_/¯

If you do tell us here, cause I'll definitely sign.

Yes, texts translations or maybe just chapters summaries, nothing fancy :)
I always check the raw :) Someone said about petition and i think it's a great idea. Would definately sign and pay for the chapters if available in english.

I support the author because I knew this comic thanks to this translation but since I can't read it anymore I don't see the point in doing so. Maybe some people will do the same as me, and I thInk that's actually worse than not receiving anything from us. Hopefully the author did this because in the future may be available chapters in English, I don't know.

i dont understand ╥﹏╥

Ok everyone, Is it really the author though? Would they come to a random site, that's all in English by the way, and be able to private message someone, let alone find the specific person translating their manhwa? It looks shady to me.

This makes no sense. I tried finding an english one, even if I had to pay I was willing, but there isn't. There is no english one only a Korean one, and I can't flipping read Korean like everyone here. So asking you to not translate, looses promotion for author's work out of state. SO what gives. Are you sure. Because then everyone reading will stop and their will be less promotion and fans because of it. If I was the author I would definitely let someone translate it because I wouldn't loose anything for it, not like they can pay to read korean version because they can't read it. If anything I feel like there could be a compromise (if this is the real author) to translate the pages and then give them to the author so (if they are concerned about money?) they can post it on some site that makes us pay for it at a reasonable price and then its a win win situation. Other than that I have no fricken clue why the author would come out point blank and say stop it. Who wouldn't want a free promotion? The author literally gains out of it.

Yes, if you check the author's twitter and translate some of their posts you'd know they came on this site. They even quoted one of the topics a few days ago.

Here's some of the translated tweets, with the link!
Conversation: https://mobile.twitter.com/Drybread_0/status/911220965907955713
건빵 @Drybread_0
억울하다...제보 받고 번역자한테 번역 그만두라고 메일까지 보내려고 불싸까지 가입했는데 내가 작가 아니고 훼이크라고 오해받고 있다ㅋㅋ..
7:29 AM · Sep 22, 2017
Google Translation
I don't enjoy reading comments saying that I am not a writer, but instead, a fake.
하이바라 @Haibara89·2h
Replying to @Drybread_0
전 그래서 직접가서 댓글 써버렸어요. -_-
Google Translation
That's why I went and commented myself.
건빵 @Drybread_0·2h
차라리 그렇게 할 걸 그랬네요...너무 불쾌해서 바로 탈퇴해버렸어욬ㅋㅋ
Google Translation
I wish I could do that...but that page upset me too much, so I had to leave immediately.
하이바라 @Haibara89·2h
잘하셨어요. 마치 본인들이 피해자인마냥...에휴 ㅠㅠㅠ 마음고생많으셨어요 건빵님 ㅠㅠ
Google Translation
You did well. They think of themselves as victims...sigh... But you're the one whose heart is completely broken.

Thank you for your hard work till now!!! Thanks to you I got to know such a cute manhwa! (^_^)

To that anonymous person: Why are you acting all high and mighty. You being here clearly just shows that you've also read this manga fully knowing that it's wrong. Otherwise you're just a person with a lot of time commenting everywhere. We all know that people who translate unofficially from pages that require money know what they're doing is wrong and so does the readers. So let's not pretend to be innocent and school others, when you've done exactly the same. And also not everbody know the rules here and there so kindky fuck off you sound like a bitter old man who likes to argue because he feels bigger.

Nooo... I'm dying to know what will happened next.. If you stop now, imma crying (ㅠㅅㅠ)

I'm not a reader here. I was/am here for another reason. There is a whole world outside your little bubble. That's all I have to say on that subject.

I've tried using Bing Translate & Google Translate on comics before. Works great on Russian & Spanish, but is complete gibberish when it comes to Korean & Chinese.

Could be. I followed her twitter, never posted a word to her, & she wasn't following me back, but she blocked me for some reason. I suspect she may just be blocking anyone who follows her with a non-Korean name right now.

It takes practice. I can get pretty close, especially if I recheck a few times. It's time- consuming, but possible. I also sometimes get people who know Korean to proofread for me, which also helps.
But no worries. If no one volunteers, I'll do the scripts for you guys.
Are you sure she blocked You? I'm 100% positive Drybread messaged PeachPuff.
PeachPuff, you are an amazing translator, so if you want to do scripts instead of me, that'd be awesome! I understand if you don't want to, though. Hope you're doing okay.

Is here for another reason lmao yea ok. Your bubble seems quite boring since you're here nagging at people when you're apparently not even a reader here. So you're basically just an undercover mangago police who keeps people in check ok then. You honestly and utterly just seem like a person who argues just for arguments sake.

Honestly you're no better.

here is the link to download chapter 21, I'mma just post it since mangago not uploading it

Oh my~ PeachPuff is in the house! xD haha, sorry, I was just excited seeing your name in the comments. Anyway, I'd really want to thank you for these wonderful translations

Thank you so much! This is one of mine favorite manhwa currently!!! May I ask you if you upload somwhere else than mangago? Latety it redirects me to the web site "lady-first" with terrible image quality (maybe because I'm not registred...) :(

Okay everyone, our grammar checker Momoland is not replying my email. Maybe she is busy with her work. So the chapter 15 will release when she is back, or you can guys want to read the chapter with my low quality english? Ahaha

Maybe pre-release the version without checking, and after she replies the email, delete and re-upload with the checked version? Or maybe wait for the normal release. Whichever option is better for you guys, is good :) Thanks for the hard work!

You and momoland are such a bless... Thanks for translating our favorite manhwas!! ヾ(☆▽☆)

There is no new chapter this week because of Lunar new year.
Happy lunar new year everyone~!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
P.S: There is no season 2