okay actually fuck. i feel i unsatisfied even though it was a good ending, i need some happy fluffy shit bc im a soft boi but i don’t even like donghyuk that much so their less harsh relationship just made me a vague sad, yule is mentally ill so i feel bad for him in a way, but it still doesn’t justify his actions
Yessssss he has ever thing so I feel like he only wants the fl to fall in love with him then kaboom once she loves him he’ll dump her, he only llikes her cause she is unusual
okay actually fuck. i feel i unsatisfied even though it was a good ending, i need some happy fluffy shit bc im a soft boi but i don’t even like donghyuk that much so their less harsh relationship just made me a vague sad, yule is mentally ill so i feel bad for him in a way, but it still doesn’t justify his actions