Ah i LOVE how they depicted Maxi’s anixiety and insecurities. Usually other romance reads would just insert the girl’s insecurity in a panel and nevermention it again. Here, the author has been so consistent with it and they build it up so perfectly. I love it ughh. And she’s not weak at all! Shes definitely strong and i love the writing of her characterr!! Ok gunna read the novel now

Ironically enough, it was because of a bad comment that i started reading this and i have to say, ITS ACTUALLY GOOD!! The bad comment was saying that this was a bad read but for my taste, it’s not!! The plot is actually pretty good! And the feelings hit!! Huhu (spoilers ahead) i can’t wait to find out what will actually happen if the alpha gets the omega pregnant and he’ll be on the path to death, i wonder how much regret will the alpha have and how he’ll try to save the omega hehe (also i stayed up until 5 am for this so it’s definitely a good read)