Everything could have been solved quite quickly if they just talked, or if someone stopped overthinking.

This is true, but who actually has healthy communication skills in relationships at a young age (even old people struggle majorly with this shit)? Same goes for the overthinking, most people are not mentally stable. This story and others would be really boring if things were just solved right away, how many stories have you read or watched that didn't have some form of miscommunication or anxiety? There's a reason why healthy from the get go love stories aren't exactly popular.

allendis suddenly turning hella yandere is kinda weird? he was always portrayed as someone soft, kind, respectful but this sudden 180 on his personality, hella strange
anyways, he can back off now bc nobody likes a psychotic partner.
stan carsein yall

Well I don't think it's a 180 in his personality, cause there were little things that could let you think he was a little psycho, but most of all he was always way too calculating not to think he was the bad guy.
PPS I don't really think so bad of the prince in this timeline either. Of course, he still has a long way to redeem from his past behaviour, but I think he can redeem: he's not the same prince he was back than, but I don't know what will happen if the girl of the prophecy come again also in this timeline. Mmm... Well, I'll wait and see what will happen!!
lmao can they stop sniping mangas please? i'd rather have a one-man translation than theirs, my gosh, the grammar and all, its just terrible and soo hard to understand i can't-