I liked ruve, but, it hurts seeing carsein and allendis alone, like, tia, they were with you in the hardest times and yet aghhhh, it will be fine even if they make different endings with everyone :c
Okey how about looking closely at how little mo put his hands in he tian head like touching a fuffly animal, anddd the last panel he took he tian shirt, I mean pfffff he’s just in love with him, wants to take care if he goes blind? Just marry
Dreams? Gurl don't be dramatic, I mean gosh sometimes I was like that too, people giving me love and me being like ugh world hate and no one loves me, but I tell you, that just mess your life, when u want that love there's nothing because you were avoiding that love when people was giving it to you
I liked ruve, but, it hurts seeing carsein and allendis alone, like, tia, they were with you in the hardest times and yet aghhhh, it will be fine even if they make different endings with everyone :c