In every single life she seems to detest her daughter deeply. Even when she married the crown prince she despised her and saw her as a lesser human being. Literally: “Ines you’re my project and you owe me success. Unless you become a perfect example of my capacities to show the world I’m amazing you deserve nothing but contempt”. It’s such a perfect depiction of a loveless, motherly figure, the clear example of the sentence: “some people shouldn’t be allowed to have children”; a narcissistic, immature and insecure shell of a human. She touches way too close to my own experience.

Wait until the official translation is released… This story is too good to read it poorly translated…

Ffs brother, at least 6 years of cringe from both sides, again they are cute and I agree the ML is a beige flag, not a red flag. Too pushy, too reliant on pretty privilege and kinda annoying in general with money talk for me. When he actually pounced on him in the car for the first time after not even glancing at him normally since high school I was like “Ewh… Brother, ewh”, like too forced specially after making the MC so uncomfortable for sooooo long.
On the other side, yeah, MC, the cute ray of sunshine, blah, blah, blah… Brother, can you grow a spine? Do you need calcium for your spine bones PERHAPS??? ALSO FUCKING COULD YOU PLEASE FUCKING CONFRONT SOMEONE WHO’S SUDDENLY GIVING YOU THE COLD SHOULDER AFTER A “STEAMY DREAM”.
I know, I’m sorry, I’m just rambling atp but this was painful for someone who’s such a chismosa like me, likes to overshare and genuinely detests leaving a bad impression on people’s minds.
Is this manhwa the best? No. Is it bad? No. Will I continue reading? Absolutely. But I mean, aren’t going through the golden age of uncensored monster-peepees? These are the small things that make life worth living.

senpaishyung created a topic of Ashtarte

Omg, have I actually lost all this time for this? And now what are we gonna get 20 side stories of them having children and marrying? Yeah right dc atp

I see other people saying “they have no chemistry”, or “the story is boring”, etc. Actually, this feels pretty human and specially mature. It resonates a lot better with older readers who, like me, had to go through the same struggles as Kuji recently, people who might feel like they don’t belong in their current job or are just feeling disillusioned by “adulting” and relationships.
The fact that they are mature enough to take their time to just enjoy each other's company, enjoy their bodies and accept their feeling without making a whole deal out of a kiss, a one night stand or a confession, feels very refreshing and super accurate to the stage of life they are in.
However, it does feel kind of weird that they are 38 yo but are still depicted like baby faced teenagers. Some wrinkles would have helped the immersion in my opinion.

Like, I’m absolutely on Penelope’s side ofc, but… honestly, poor Eclis. He didn’t choose to become a slave, he didn’t choose to be put in such a position. I know they are both victims here, but I can’t really bring myself to condemn his actions completely (specially after knowing about the spoilers)… It was very twisted of Penelope to use him as a safe trump card no matter what, but it is also very twisted to push her against the verges of death just because of his personal obsession…
They are two souls who met at the worst possible timing and in the worst possible circumstance. It’s so bittersweet…

senpaishyung created a topic of Skip to Loafer

I need Kanechika senpai and Kazakami to be the healthy BL couple. This manga is literally making my life worth living.

senpaishyung created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Drop that fucking Ho-in and find new friends. He’s a dick, an opportunistic and egotistic bitch. You’ve been there 24/7 for him and he’ treated you worse than feces. You deserve better.

(I hate the main couple specially the senpai princess complex bitch).

senpaishyung created a topic of Shimanami Tasogare

Spoiler: I cried again.

Every single person in this world must read this piece of art.

senpaishyung created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

I feel like he might need to literally pull the biggest of trump cards to make me feel like this story is going somewhere. I’m clearly a Yuuji fan but atp, even if everything works out in the end, are there going to be any jujutsu sorcerers left? Is the world post-Shibuya gonna be a post-apocalyptic “Yuuji” is the last one standing kinda shit? Ofc I want my baby happy, ofc I’d like some logic or positivity, but… idk anymore.

Summary: pls Gege sutoppu za fakku

senpaishyung created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

This is getting annoying. If nothing good is gonna happen just finish it Gege.

senpaishyung created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

This is ridiculous Gege. So anticlimactic

senpaishyung answered question about live in omegaverse universe
I totally feel you. It's kind of like a parody of these extremely stereotypical weebs... I still remember the hate I got cos I criticized Waterside Night because of Taeju. Like I felt so physically disgusted by that story I gave up, I wanted to vent and in exchange I got a lot of people calling me dramatic... I dunno, you get to develop pseudo-feel......
senpaishyung created a topic of Mr. 100% Perfect

I love them so much. Happiness is all I want.

senpaishyung created a topic of The Boy And The Wolf

"R u a whore?" I AM TERAAAA, TAKE MEEEE.

But this doesn't seem to have been written with the LGBT+ community in mind. Looks like the superficial opinion of a straight lady. The MC is very much a great example of a shitty young gay lad, blaming the world for his constant victimization, but the girl's very cringy and the character is way too idealized imo. Like the whole story feels somewhat organic to a certain extend (LGBT+ stories, as most of the world's stories come in multiple shapes and forms, some have satisfactory endings, some have unsatisfactory endings, some don't even have an ending, etc.), but it's kind of pretentious and tremendously overdramatic. It feels like it's trying to hard to make people feel sorry about the characters, and I felt like in the end the topics of bullying and the perception of what homosexuality and sexual education are, is barely explored I guess... Clearly this manga was not made for me!

senpaishyung created a topic of Sensitive Boy

What is up with that girl Tsubasa? Are you fucking for real? "I've been rejected so I'm also traumatized" is the kind of point she's trying to make. Do you fucking think that compares to being molested? I've felt that Kaede has been nothing but a sweetheart all throughout the 19 chapters I've read. He's been so sweet and extremely accommodating to Tsubasa. Obviously he needed to tell her about this since they were getting real, then she gets a "straight panic" cos "he surely enjoyed it" and because "he wasn't pure"??? Like WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL? Does the mangaka actually plan on taking this stance on the main theme of the story? If this is not contextualized I feel I might need to drop it cos this is making my blood boil with the blatant favouritism for the girl's perspective on this hugely disregarded issue. As some other comments mention: if the SA'd person was the girl this wouldn't be accepted AT ALL.

senpaishyung created a topic of Waterside Night

How can anyone defend Taeju at this point? I remember reading one of the 7000 rape scenes and honestly wish for Euihyun to have the opportunity to commit suicide. The car scene was physically so painful my blood pressure spiked. Taeju has emotionally blackmailed, raped and played mind games with the uke, so much so, he's now a shadow of himself. Ffs he's so broken that I don't even recognize him any more, and it is not a thing of the baby brother going with the shitty omega dad, it's deeper, a feeling of absolute despair of the actual character being in shambles. Do you really want a character like that ending up with the seme you love so much? Do you want someone who is clearly so deep in the Stockholm Syndrome void to have a romantic story with your favorite seme guys? Please explain your logic Taeju-stans cos it surely roots in my personal convictions but no level of love, tears and presents can erase your past behavior. I know this is fiction but...

senpaishyung add manga to list LOVED

After recently moving to Onomichi, Hiroshima, high school student Tasuku Kaname is thrown into despa...

  • Author: kamatani yuhki,Kamatani Yuuki
  • Genres: Drama / seinen / Romance / Seinen / Slice Of Life
senpaishyung followed a list

A list of BL works I enjoyed reading

- no rape between main characters
- consent is priority
- non-abusive & non-heteronormative relationship
- some contain dub-con scenes but I'll make sure to put TW
- ongoing works that turn out problematic will be deleted
- rating depends on my personal preference

☆ = fave

Part 2:

03 07,2022