with the comments I knewwww. I saw it in social media, recognize the art style and I knewwwww. This author never fails to make this kind of story.
no no no we didn't think you're a bastard. keep going keep going
can anyone please please recommend something similar to this story pleaseeeee
it's either he's not gonna tell him or he's gonna tell him something worse
We need more of that dragon side story. maybe like 50 chapters more
Why people are getting offended by this? Don't give too much meaning to a fictional story and then relate it to what's happening or what happened in real life, most stories here didn't even make sense but people like it anyway as long as it's entertaining. too much bs happening irl to be problematic about this things too
being someone's first love is a real pain..."
yeah especially when the other party is a psycho
damn, can anyone please give the link of the novel. this is way too funny
nothin special, I prefer the 2nd couple. Hope they'll have their own story