To think that after going through the most devastating breakup (I mean, nothing is as bad as having the love of your life fall out of love when they were the very reason why you're still alive here today is pretty fucked). And honestly, I'm PROUD of her to pick herself up rather than rotting her days away waiting for a boy who never loves her anymore. She basically sucked it all in, and consistently stayed despite the worse of situations just to be with him until to the point that she could no longer bear it anymore, so proud of my girly omfg

I don't get the hate of people saying that the FL has unrealistic bodily proportions, personally, I believe it's just the art style, and honestly, I see an improvement also, I love hot curvy women and I see nothing wrong with it considering that the mo is also mad huge

It’s unrealistic since she has giant boobs with super skinny arms, small waist with full thighs and no hip dips. Overall a super exaggerated hourglass body that you see often on FL’s. Not that this type of body does not exist but it’s very unlikely to be natural that’s why people are mad. She is heavily male gaze-y imp and overly sexualised…

But not every manhwa with FL has look like it abides the realistic forms of the human body, I mean, we all have differing sizes at the end of the day, it's just annoying in a way that people degrade the work simply because of how the FL looks even when almost all the female characters there look about the same, and the ML being humongous and yet no one seems to bat an eye. And plus, when we see her in her under garments there's belly fat and all. It's infuriating as well that they try to alter the artstyle in a way that befits their standards of what a woman body should look like even though not all may agree upon it

I get what you mean but I also get ppl who criticise the way characters look. The ML also is exaggerated, extremely tall, ripped with soft features. He is sexualised as well and it’s true others don’t point it out as often as they do with the FL. Maybe cuz we’re more sensitive when it comes to women…but yeah I get that the author wants to draw readers with characters way too pretty and “body perfect” to be real.