Yo okay so my last comment link is shit so here we go again
Yo so I was reading chapter 42 and on page 25 do yALL not sEE THE RESEMBLANCE from this page to PUN PUN
I am talking about this picture below specifically.
Yo so I was reading chapter 42 and on page 25 do yALL not sEE THE RESEMBLANCE from this page to PUN PUN
I am talking about this picture below specifically.
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url= https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2F561894491002752387%2F&psig=AOvVaw0FSZt64wIAHZ5s0Ny0HOTI&ust=1697340002243000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCLjZ37LK9IEDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI
this is probably one of the best representations of a psychopath, like I loved the story and shit but the actual reality in the fact that this romance is around a psychopath is top-tier. Like I see all these stories about these psychopaths that are showing signs of it at the begging of the story but in the end, they become this sweet and utterly devoted person to their partner which doesn't make sense. I like this story because even in the end when the problem is over the "love" there is incredibly real it's not fluffy or even cuddly it's just realistic because he can't feel love so it's shown in a matter of kinship rather than an incredible relationship with love.
I wanna fucking kill myself after reading this, it is peak, peak peak, you see all those isaki mangas on your list? throw them the fuck away and read this for 5 hours then fucking cry yourself to sleep because RICHARD MY POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR DUDE LEGIT IS SUFFERING FOREVER, BRO I HATE EVERYONE. DUDE IF EARL DOESNT GET HIS FUCKING DICK BURNED OFF IM GONNA CRY BECAUSE I WANT THAT BITCH ASS GUY TO FUCKING SUCK MY DICK AND BURN ALIVE.
YO this dude look like Griffith but blonde