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Phuong Anh Vo August 7, 2018 2:10 pm

Thank you Addis and the team that brought this to us. It is like watching a soap opera. So good and addicting. The plot is cliche however, the mangaka personal twists and turns male this a beautiful manga! Love every minute of reading this. Can't wait for more!!!(≧∀≦)

Phuong Anh Vo July 15, 2018 11:56 am

I cried many times thinking that auntie and uncle once again would lose their child, Shiyi, who while protected the weak mind person-i don't even want to say his name ( this kinda characters you would always find in K drama. So weak and indecisive, stupid even. Always either get ppl into trouble or get killed. Hate it! Can you stand up for your Damn self and be useful?) Was stabbed. They lost a good son. Shoot once again lost his parents and a chance to live happy with his new fam. I hope he bought her the skirt he was eyeing.

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