Does the author(s) have social?
I already can't deal with het/bi relationship and there is more disturbing thing that the "detailed s3x scene". So I can't convince(again) myself to read it. ╥﹏╥
Seyun ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅForget everything just Seyun supremacy (*´˘`*)♡
That was masterpiece. That was cute, sexy, cool, romantic, awesome and gay. It's just perfect lesbean ROMANCE. I REALLY LIKE IT ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ
Are they wrestling?I personally didn't like the whole manha. I didn't feel the love and I already don't like dildo sex. Where is the love? (ノಠдಠ)ノ︵┻━┻Where is the old good lesbean sex?
No! No! Don't you know how to catch your leasbain!? s( ̄へ ̄ )z
That was interesting
NoOoo (ಥ﹏ಥ)