This uke just did my cute baby seme dirty right there

And even the older brother if you've read the sequel you'll see that minjay has a serious inferiority complex when he was with the older brother(te older brother was a talented Craft maker)and once they were doing it and the brother was just talking to him self about this dude he's with in class and that he's just hanging around him thinking that he'll become as talented as him and that statement made minjay fell guilty cuz that the reason he was sleeping with the older brother so he broke things with him

Dat girl is such an unintentional bitch. Like some kind of natural born unlikable bitch who just so anoyin that most people would just hate her for being so bitchy psycho. Like I get you were an only child, probably with strict parents growing up a lesbian but seriously no sane person stalks and outs others and intentionally messes with them to such an extent that it borderlines bullying.

All these mc's are fucked in the head. None are even likable. Like ones a rapist ones a murderer and the protag is a manipulative jerk.

I completley agree besides the portagonist. He is what he is as a defense mechanism. He has been raped and abused repeatedly by people who are way too strong for him. He is not as strong, ao he learned to defend himself by hurting people with brain. This is indeed a real thing and response that happens. He is not a jerk, just trying ti dk the best for himself so I hope you understand the characters before making assumptions without understanding where they are coming from. Btw I totally agree with you with the rest though. Talk about shitty luck
Like fuck all these hoes trying to break up our babies. And I feel no sympathy for that bitch fox that drugged, raped messed the seme's relationship. Plus let's not forget he stole the picture, plagiarized the uke's work and assaulted him. This guy's fucked in the head and deserves worse then being fired.