Himitsu followed a goer

Hope you enjoy our series lol


31 07,2021
Himitsu followed a list
29 07,2021
Himitsu followed a list
Himitsu followed a goer
29 07,2021
Himitsu followed a goer

Hello everyone!

> Check my LIST to read all taken down manhwas. I decided to keep everything public since some people are selling chapters to readers on private discord servers...

> BTW, I no longer own a server. The previous one that I had is already managed and owned by my dear friend (name i cannot disclose).

> All my previous imgur/drive links were set on PRIVATE so if YOU saved it already, sorry but they weren’t working anymore :D

> Some of you messaged me long time ago asking to join the server, sorry but I’m not active both here and other SOCMED so I cannot invite u nor give u the INVITE link. 


☠ Enjoy reading





28 07,2021
Himitsu followed a list
Himitsu followed a list
Himitsu followed a list
Himitsu followed a list
Himitsu followed a list
Himitsu followed a goer

ya girl

Love Jinx -> COMPLETE
The Third Ending -> COMPLETE
B-Class Guide -> COMPLETE

Join our server here! -> https://discord.gg/D3wCHWukZx

27 07,2021
Himitsu like the answer
Pfft..ikr? I hate this did they just got influenced by yd or is this plague gonna spread like hell...
Himitsu like topic of Full volume

Ya all, I have some news for you guys. Admins are turning off comment sections one by one. Hold your tits and be quite, stop messing around and read your manga/hwa/huas . Creators are pointing on this websites especially on comment section so be careful what you are typing out of anger. It is being recorded, at least I have been informed abt that. Cheers

Himitsu created a topic of In the Private Room

Another one ugh bye bye

Himitsu created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

Hope it won't be deleted

Himitsu created a topic of Full volume
Himitsu like the answer
PREACH!!! Flexing reading illegal sites is downright stupid!!! You are making others lose their brain cells and sanity These STUPID mf hoes are just asking for this... https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OGC.d089d2ceef4eb9832210a1e6f3e86c57&pid=Api&rurl=https%3a%2f%2fmedia.giphy.com%2fmedia%2f3oriePudYVvzuNXBMk%2fgiphy.gif&ehk=SVOcKYVwnqkqAhA0S4USoROk......
Himitsu created a topic of An Omega's Love Affair

The author found out cause of you know who so bye bye another manhwa

Himitsu like the answer
Btw I think she might be lying about having a legal team I think it’s lezhin who has the lawsuit going on against the illegal sites shes just acting like it’s all her. The reason I believe this is because that’s kind of lawsuit will take a huge amount of money it wouldn’t even be worth it tbh. Next reason I think she’s lying is because no......