The Childe
“Jin Taeha,” the successor of Korea’s leading company “Cheongu,” survived alone after a terrorist attack during a yacht trip with his family. “Jin Taeha” who learns that his family was killed not by accident, but due to power struggles amongst his relatives. Enters the “Salerno Family” an Italian mafia family, to prepare for his revenge.
After 17 years, he returns to Korea and finally begins his revenge.
My In-laws are Obsessed With Me
Ch. 18
My family and my husband killed me. Because of the inheritance.
Returning to the past, I made up my mind.
“I have to protect my life and my inheritance.”
Grand Duke Lapireon of the cursed family. I offered him, who was not interested in property and women, a one year contract marriage.
Now, all we have to do is get a divorce…
“Lady, do you think you can leave me now?”
My husband is weird.
“Would you like a land or a mine? Or an empire?”
“Sasha, did Theo do something wrong?”
“Mom, don’t leave me.”
“Sister… I can’t live without you.”
Even my in-laws began to obsess over me.
Necromancer Survival