The story starts with college student Taichi, who comes from a not-so-well-off household and is desp...
- Author: FUMINO Yuki
- Genres: School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life
Sora Yoon can hardly look a person in the eye without becoming a nervous mess. So how she ended up b...
- Author: μλΆ
- Genres: Shoujo Ai / Comedy / Romance / School Life / Webtoons / Yuri
"Sex" made more familiar!Health and physical education teacher Tsuji, who has doubts about...
- Author: Takaki kikiki,Hotomura
- Genres: Shoujo Ai / Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life
The story starts with college student Taichi, who comes from a not-so-well-off household and is desp...
- Author: FUMINO Yuki
- Genres: School Life / Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life
Newlyweds Akira and Keiichi moved to a new place and are adjusting to their new lives. Akira works w...
- Author: FUMINO Yuki
- Genres: Drama / Josei / Romance / Slice of Life
(β///β )
11 04,2021