Aoi February 25, 2025 4:35 pm

Omg, he is adorable! Are those tattoos on his arms and upper body?

    Lysha February 25, 2025 6:18 pm

    Yep (=・ω・=)

Aoi February 11, 2025 3:53 pm

Nooo!! No more changes!! They're happy!!

Aoi January 28, 2025 6:52 pm

Wow. Just wow. This ending made me wish I'd read it here rather than paying for it on Lehzin. I want a refund and compensation for emotional distress.

And the extra is an AU has that toxic duo as a nice happy couple.

    Yo another fudanshi here January 29, 2025 5:21 am

    Is the AU you're talking about the kne where the mc is a rabbit?

    Aoi January 31, 2025 8:19 pm

    Yeah. Even the thought of them being lovey dovey anywhere in reality or not makes me

Aoi January 27, 2025 12:45 am

Is this supposed to be Emma and Josh from Kiss Me Liar? I find it difficult to believe that Keith would be paying Emma so little when she does so much.

    cheesygarlicbread January 27, 2025 1:04 am

    maybe the timeline is set before kml bc if emma was working for keith atpit, she'd have no time to watch her mom and nephew

    Aoi January 27, 2025 6:55 am
    maybe the timeline is set before kml bc if emma was working for keith atpit, she'd have no time to watch her mom and nephew cheesygarlicbread


Aoi October 6, 2024 6:01 am

Are they speaking Korean to each other all the time when they both are native English speakers? (I think the jerk was, right?) I can understand when they are around other people, but when it's just them... it's annoying.

Aoi September 5, 2024 12:22 pm

Were they driving with the trunk open?

    xqzika September 8, 2024 6:09 pm

    Yes, yes they were (˘◡˘) overspeeding too

    Aoi September 12, 2024 3:48 am
    Yes, yes they were (˘◡˘) overspeeding too xqzika


Aoi September 5, 2024 3:38 am

Is this missing a chapter or are the chapters in the wrong order? The last 3 chapters are confusing.

Aoi August 3, 2024 2:37 am

This is the only Alpha X Alpha story that I don't hate. Alpha X Alpha defeats the purpose of an Omegaverse. My opinion.

Aoi December 30, 2023 4:39 am

The age of consent in Japan is 16, so Riku isn't a minor.

    powsy December 30, 2023 5:41 am

    lol it doesnt mean that keiki can forcefuly make his way through him. U stupid for making this as an excuse

    Aoi December 30, 2023 6:01 am

    No. It's not. He's not a minor is all that I am saying, so he's not being "groomed" or anything of that nature. He's been 17 the whole time.

    I didn't say anything about it not being right or wrong. Just pointing out that he is of consenting age in Japan.

    But, judging by your lack of punctuation and capitalization, I think it's obvious that you are the stupid one.

    C.... December 30, 2023 6:48 am
    No. It's not. He's not a minor is all that I am saying, so he's not being "groomed" or anything of that nature. He's been 17 the whole time. I didn't say anything about it not being right or wrong. Just pointin... Aoi

    not being groomed? just because the age of consent is low doesn’t mean there isn’t a unequal power dynamic between a teen and a adult

    I'm_me December 30, 2023 7:10 am


    December 30, 2023 1:25 pm
    No. It's not. He's not a minor is all that I am saying, so he's not being "groomed" or anything of that nature. He's been 17 the whole time. I didn't say anything about it not being right or wrong. Just pointin... Aoi

    I see what you are trying to get at, and you are partially right.

    While the age of consent is 16, meaning they can legally consent to sexual intercourse with an adult (18+), that does not mean they are legally an adult, nor would they be treated as an adult if a case were to arise.

    16 is 16. They are still legally a minor. I do not know the exceptions to laws such as these in Japan, but it is safe to say that if Riku is consenting to this relationship then there should be no harm.

    While it is distasteful to many, we are in no way in control of the story so…

    I would like to mention though, Riku just graduated high school, meaning there is a very high possibility that he is now 18. While there has been no confirmation yet, there were many time skips, meaning his birthday *could* have possibly happened during that time.

    Peachybxx January 1, 2024 12:32 am

    There's a difference between being an adult and age of consent. He is still a minor, don't play that.

    blue January 2, 2024 11:35 am

    alr let’s not play that game. you know what you’re reading is wrong don’t try and make excuses for it

    Zeeboo21 March 10, 2024 12:32 am

    And old men were marrying 13 year olds in the 1900’s do you think those girls weren’t getting groomed? Stop pulling out japans age of consent bullshit, you sound like a creep.

    sakura March 12, 2024 7:24 am
    No. It's not. He's not a minor is all that I am saying, so he's not being "groomed" or anything of that nature. He's been 17 the whole time. I didn't say anything about it not being right or wrong. Just pointin... Aoi

    N bow old is keiki iss????

Aoi December 16, 2023 3:20 am

Creep. Go away, psycho!

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