This is just queer baiting wow im so tired of it like come on the art was ruined by a shitty story

queer baiting isnt just in one form e.g. when they make characters homoerotic but dont actually make them date in the end or the characters r straight, or when they make a character gay just so they could lure in the views or they make them act gay (The Legend of Korra is a nice example) but in this scenerio the top was straight and the author used the same excuse as so many "straight authors" and that is i would never fall in love with a man ur the only one i would or im straight but ur the only exception, which you know its not how real life works, these straight authors(im assuming the author is straight cuz a gay one would do this) are capitalising of of gay romance and they r also inaccurately portraying gay people which is wrong because the audience they r primarly targeting is straight women

Ooh, I totally get that
A LOT of BL, especially the old ones, always fetishizes straight men "going gay" for 1 man and say that stupid line "I'm not gay. I just love you."
I guess it's supposed to be some kind of transition from straight romance of the cold emotionless cliche guy that gets all the girls but has yet to fall in love while suddenly falls in love with MC.
Though I try to look over it as a guy who's bi, but hasn't fully realized/discover his while sexuality yet and is just didn't know/denies that he can be attracted to someone of the same gender. I mean, at the beginning of it, people would only be put into gay or straight, and bi-erasure still happens too.

yeah its wonderful that u understand and go past that fact and you enjoy the story but just know that it is queerbaiting and that straight authors are gaining money of of gay romance which is okay i suppose if they did a good gay story, but they usually dont they make queerbaiting which just isnt a good story its derogatory and disgusting.

What happened can someone who has read the raws spoil it to me (/TДT)/

does anyone have the link to the raws?