Anyone got the link to the novel
You can read it on this, but its a fan translation
Y’all I love this site don’t get me wrong and I don’t like drama(I kinda do) but all the drama with this site in 2021 was so good like I get the website almost got took down and I wouldn’t want that to happen again but I miss coming on here and spending more time reading posts and writing comments than reading manhwas can 2 users on here start beefing or sum like I need some drama haven’t even seen uploader drama in a minute either matter a fact you could even start beefin with me idc
Anyways give manga recs so I don’t get my acc restricted again
auto correct. i meant to put this
I was just reminiscing the times where there’s translator group dramas. And the wars between who’s going to upload what. Those were THE days. There were reddit forums, discord communities, don’t even get me started on the receipts of convos proving their point cos honestly nothing can compete on reading the threads There were forums asking what do you guys think about this group, and one person would be like meh and all hell would break loose. And the way us readers were so informed about these things because they include a page about all of this on their manga/hwa/hua uploads ALSO, the exposé on certain people from translator groups, jaw dropping.
GODDAMN WHAT?!?!?!?! like yeah i think the part where people ask to not upload over them is still going on but not that much but DAMN how bad was it like to the point they race each other who first gets to upload first LOL man i missed out on all of this drama (/TДT)/ when was this like before covid? sobs
I will become the poison tester for the villain link:
Ok then
Well I hope you find them interesting haha
this was during covid, that's why I had lots of time to follow it HAHSHSH it was craaaazyyy. Now, it's just uploaders and it can be talked in private, but back then oh it's a war waging honey. It's the battle of the petty, like translator groups would upload both their own translations in this site and other sites, they don't give a flying f. Like readers would choose whose translation to read lmao, some just choose who uploads first. AND PEOPLE WERE LIVING HAHAH. Like wdym I can read a manhwa and at the end be able to have a bonus/reward of reading real life online drama. There was a time they exposed a leader of a translation groups' about their relationship and damn (this drama was hazy to me now but I still remember sipping that tea back then)┗( T﹏T )┛Then some people would reply on threads whether on reddit or other forums saying they prefer the others' translations, people would be jumping on that like nobody's business. Honestly, everyone has so much free time that time shshshshshsh this is so long I AM SORRY
Omg yes that was the shit back then and remember the whole YD thing and everyone on here was roasting her ass and then the dear Benjamin thing where the creator found out it was on here cuz of YD posting about it all the time so the creator called the uploader out for posting it on here and one of the people in the group or sum got mad and dug up old shota art that the artist(not author) of dear Benjamin had drew of exo members and posted the art on here???? They censored it but that shit was still fucking traumatizing like it was a literal baby being fucked by a grown ass man that artist is sick man they need to go to hell
I remember this one, goodness And everytime I'm reminded of this era, it's like a fever dream. When this one happened, it was a domino effect, like every other artist and author of the popular manhwas were alerted. Artists were putting out statements as if we can understand korean Good thing we had translators. It was hellfire, people were freaking out, comment sections were blasting uploaders to just take it down, others were literally trying so hard to save pages and pages of content here (bless their heart) And the Dear Benjamin one was crazy af, I remember learning about this like a day after it happened and I avoided any of the bs that can scar me for life, I just read explanation of the exposé that time (I JUST LEARNT NOW THAT IT WAS A BABY???!!! BRO I THINK I'LL THROW UP) Everyone reading that was devastated cos it was getting good, but HONESTLY GOOD RIDDANCE OF THAT ARTIST.
Also this was also the time where there was an apocalypse of traumatizing manga/hwa/hua, the influx of psychological sh that was put out was crazy. LIke it wasn't the good psychological typa content, it was the bad psychological will scar you for life, haunt you typa content. I blocked the Nii-chan manga out of my mind but that traumatized me FOR DAYS ON END. I remember not being myself after that and I had to vent out here on the question forum lol.
Omg do not remind me of the nii-chan manga that shit was traumatizing and this why I stay away from psychological type shit cuz most of the time it done terribly and it literally just tons and tons of traumatizing shit going on for no fucking reason.
ngl I miss dear Benjamin it ended on a cliff hanger because the artist had to be a pedo. I lowkey blame the production team or whatever tf you call the people who made it because if your choosing an artist which is very important because it has to catch the views eye and you didn’t think to look at their past works?? Like wouldn’t that be the first thing you look at so you can get a look at what their artwork is and what pieces they work on? Also I feel bad for everyone in exo cuz imagine finding out someone drew you as a baby getting r…like I’d throw up omg. So glad I’m not a famous celebrity because while the money is nice the other shit like this isn’t
So I dropped this story kinda forgot bout it and I need help finding the chapter I was on. Pretty sure it was the car sex scene I left on when they were like gonna stop being tg after that or sum idk. I can’t find it so if yall know the chapter that would be nice and if I’m thinking of a diff story then this is embarrassing
Chapter 20 love!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)