Also, has it been answered why Ou eyes became red from brown? His hair also, makes me wonder the something his master found was a recipe for a medicine or something.

ooh i thought it's just an after effect of using medicine, beside ouyang looked like an albino and sometimes in manhua sick people drawn with such feature so i didnt think too much.. but it's a really nice theory you have here! it will be great if that's true it means ouyang will have superpower?? I want him to be more badass and get rid of his inferiority complex

I am now sure that Ian and Brian are two different personalities. Ian may be the reincarnation of Brian but that was his past life, Ian is his own person.
We have yet to meet the other dragon (i forgot his name) and know why he is obsessed with Brian. I really thought that both of them would meet Brian at the same time but I guess that is not what happened. So, the conflict of the brothers started with Brian's death.

I don't know if there is a novel but to my understanding, this is what happened so far.
They are currently in another world/dimension. Something happened to their first world, Seme sent his Uke to this world but it has consequences (amnesia of uke). Seme followed by almost killing himself and using like an adrenaline rush to power up and follow Uke.
So far the 1st world seems like it's already been destroyed. There are only a few Guides left that's why they are all sharing Uke's Guide power. There are two ways to guide one is just physical touch and the other is seggs. The Seme and Uke had a bond but it's now broken.
I think the problem happened because Uke is not supposed to be bonded by only 1 esper. Remember the guides being killed on the 1st chapter because there are just too many espers.
Yeah, that's what I understand so far.

but if you still want to read the story, welcome to paing and suffering.

I read someone summarizing the whole novel n I think there might have been a happy ending where the mc kinda left them broke all contact and started a new life somewhere else. Only one who knew was uh the guy who doesn’t like guides, but i think the blonde dude does end up finding out and following him and I think they end up together. Honestly I might be wrong, it’s been a while since I read it.
The Hyung acts like he has brother complex with a hint of obsession and twisted love for his younger brother. He killed all of those who "touched" his younger brother. He cares for him in a very twisted way, sad for him that because of that Helm is scared of him.
Blue is such a cutie pie! He is perfect for Helm, always love the virgin x horny trope.