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Social August 9, 2024 5:30 pm

That last bit where he lashes out because he hasn't heard from this guy in years and now he's only calling him because he needs him is very relatable. Like you're just gonna go straight into it? Not even a "how are you" or "it's been a while?"

Social July 14, 2024 3:53 pm

Jerry is so painfully risk averse.

Like when he first found the guide book, it literally said, "oh stuff can change depending on your actions!" And he fucking saw that some of the events in the book were different from what happened to him. And he even acknowledged that his actions can change shit like later on!!!

I was like, phew, at least he knows that stuff isn't set in stone and not everything is according to the book! Now he can work towards a happy ending!!

But then the sensation index shit happened. Bro just doesn't trust people and it physically hurts me to watch him act like he knows better when he put his body through horrible things just because he can't feel anything.

Ilya is so right to call him out on his bullshit. Jerry was about to give me an aneurysm.

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