ss__os's feed

ss__os created a topic of Brother and Brother

damn I hope yall bitches get fucked by yall sibling if yall like this bs. also the comments "its incest and people always despise it" well no duh bitch? It yall fucking blood. You telling me you wanna fuck ur own blood ?

And to bitches that says "it's fiction" so? it still promotes unhealthy ideas about morality and behavior. And don't get me started with the whole "rape" fantasy like bitch so what if it just his fantasy? It normalizes and even glorifies a disgusting act that should never be glorified.

Not only that but It is also extremely disrespectful and offensive toward rape victims. Like if you were walking and you can read mind and a man you don't know think about raping you I bet yall wouldn't like that shit would you? Like bitch? Yall gotta be playing with me if yall say yall like this shit