Bye not everyone switching up. This isn't about hating or attacking women; it's about holding people accountable. Why do ppl points out a woman who did something wrong—like neglecting the ml or saying hurtful things to him— immediately jump to calling it 'women hate.' Like It's genuinely embarrassing when ppl don't understand the difference between accountability and genuine hate. If what I'm doing is women hate then I don't mind bc some people are just dumb.

God, the fact that people are complaining saying this is 'too much' is truly baffling. This genre is labeled Psychological, Horror, and Mature - it's not supposed to be all sunshine and rainbows. The female bully has engaged in some pretty messed up actions, including sexual assault, and this isn't even her first offense. Let me say this so it get in your head, she sexual assaulted her teacher, sell her friends so they could get raped, push a girl to the point of dying, and more. She is equally bad as the other guys. So the fact that you're bothered by the mature themes and content, then maybe this story isn't for you. I'm sorry that this is not the happy bl possession seme bullshit. If you want that go somewhere else. Go read killing stalking or smt.

I swear the people who are hating on this manhwa bc it a "slowburn" probably haven't read anything beyond straight-up porn. just because your BL manhwa has sex every five chapters doesn't make your story any better. You complain about the pacing, but I bet you can't even handle action manga like jjk, orv, and tcf without whining about the slow buildup bc "it's too slow!!" Or " mc and ___ should get together!" Since all your brain is filled is nothing but gay porn. Like chill sis nobody taking away your gay sex there is plenty in the whole world. I can send you links if you want it so badly yk

This is why I love turning so much TT first kiss at ch 200 and first intimacy at chapter 460! I loveeeee slow burn and the slow build up and tension of yuder's and kishiars relationship in the novel is perfect!!! I'm up to date with the translation and I just love this story so much I can't wait for all my questions to be answered and kishyu to live happily forever !!! I hope all the fetishizers leave due to the slow burn so true turning fans who root for this couple whilst also enjoying the plot and worldbuilding are left reading cuz these comments are making me Speedrun insanity =・ω・=

If I remember correctly he knows by the late 150s when he witnessed yuder manifestation of his second gender (SPOILERS BELOW)
It happens rather abruptly in public and yuder doesn't need to outright tell kishiar since due to his alpha subgender he instinctively knows by yuder's scent, which was released during he manifestation...just a little heads up though...yuders manifestation was low-key kinda sad to read because his past life's memories overlapped with his current ones in his delirious state and he ends up being scared of kishiar because he's an alpha...(I think..idk it's been a long time since I read that chapter but it's done well, I can't wait for the manhwa to get caught up)))

bruh for anyone who saying shit like "why would u get involved with them and make them love you" WHEN she wasn't even trying to make them fall for her.
She literally just trying to survive and I swear ppl will never shut up when it come to this type of plot bc the "BL" relationship. As if bi or pan don't exist in the world.

(I'm bi and gender fluid)
I always thought about that, it's not like anyone is changing their sexuality or converting them it's more like not discriminating and because of that it was a bl... I'm saying if some1 hot tried to romance me and we had chemistry, and it happens before I came to terms of being queer, I meann-

damn I hope yall bitches get fucked by yall sibling if yall like this bs. also the comments "its incest and people always despise it" well no duh bitch? It yall fucking blood. You telling me you wanna fuck ur own blood ?
And to bitches that says "it's fiction" so? it still promotes unhealthy ideas about morality and behavior. And don't get me started with the whole "rape" fantasy like bitch so what if it just his fantasy? It normalizes and even glorifies a disgusting act that should never be glorified.
Not only that but It is also extremely disrespectful and offensive toward rape victims. Like if you were walking and you can read mind and a man you don't know think about raping you I bet yall wouldn't like that shit would you? Like bitch? Yall gotta be playing with me if yall say yall like this shit

Blah blah blah gurl and this is a public comment section and I have the right to ask for you people to realize how stupid you are for not realizing your own stupid decisions. This is a public space meaning there are different people here and I just so happen to be the type of person that find you weirdo annoying with you liking incest and being so boldly proud of it. The fuck

I'm not sure if it's just me, but I find the MC so bothersome. Why on earth would she venture outside, especially given her status as royalty? While she may not have anticipated being kidnapped and harmed, it seems like a reckless decision on her part. Furthermore, she consistently oversteps boundaries, getting far too close to the ML and even kissing him. She know that the ML is in love with her "brother". Despite this knowledge, she continues to act inappropriately, being overly touchy and seemingly ignorant of the situation.
I honestly really wanted to agree with the female lead, but why is she acting like that? She could've just said no, but instead, she had to make it all about how women only do things to appeal to men. Then she goes on about being pressured into embroidery when all they did was ask if she wanted to join.
Even if some people do things just to appeal to men, that doesn't change the fact that they might enjoy it and actually have fun. If I were in her shoes, I’d probably dislike her too, because that's just so hypocritical and a bit self-righteous.
Like why do u have to bring down other women just for doing something they enjoy or choose to do? She’s reinforcing harmful stereotypes and judging others based on her own assumptions, when in reality, everyone has their own reasons for what they do.
that part reminded me of Eloise in Bridgerton mocking a peer for liking embroidery, b*tch bringing down another woman don't make you better it does the opposite what is this 'I'm different than another girl' behavior
Literally no wonder why so many ppl fucking hate u. Its bc u bring down other ppl who did nothing wrong to u and then get surprised when they confess they don't like u. Her saying all that just ruined her character for me
for real I was like wtf, there's literally no way anyone can justify what she said, bet the author going to make her say "I was hurt bc I got close to ppl and lost them in the past so I was mean to avoid being hurt" Yeah sure it's so altruistic to hurt other so you don't get hurt -_-
She just could have looked at her meanly and ignored her.