Chapter 9. MC gets mega drunk and wakes up to him having sex but immediately passes out and doesn't remember anything from the night before. I'm like 99% sure that ml raped him. If he was so drunk he couldn't remember anything and he was found passed out there's no scenario where he's capable of consent here for anyone let alone the dude he met Like two days prior for the first time in years.

Am I wrong?


I know that this author loves to redeem everyone in their works but like can we just agree that Ian's mom is so inconsiderate and borderline abusive. No way to sugar coat that, as a kid of an alcoholic parent it's so fucking draining to constantly feel responsible for them and be up-to-date on their every action bc you don't know what's going happen. Ian's only ever had trouble with his mom and can barely even bring up normal topics without his hands shaking, like I severely dislike her

I think that MC isnt that bad considering he'd probably be the exact same if he was constantly making friends with girls instead of guys. And he clearly isn't befrienfing people with the intention of coming off as being into them

Like how will they react to non insect humans trying to kill them. Ik the good guys are always trying not to kill bad guys bc of dumbass morals but how do you fight ppl who only use weapons and no special powers

I love a baseball themed bl

His mom's gonna literally break his door down to move him out herself and gonna catch them fucking

It's refreshing to actually see someone articulate themselves when they have to stand up for themself and not just cower until someone else helps

Literally why do every one of these ex's in BLS think that the people left on TERRIBLE terms would even remotely want to speak to them

You can read 52, 53 and 56 on other sites until the chapters are fixed

I've had something similar and I literally cried all day. I feel for you neuta

At least the match each others freak

Is his name Rian Or Ryan or Rian, just pronounced Ryan

The black card of Uber rich BL tops has made it's appearance finally

Garams definitely just heard him reiterate that he's serious about them and how he doesn't care about other people's opinions about their relationship

I'm completely on board with MC x Citri

If I had a bf like him I'd ban bro from wearing anything in the house

Is the novel for this fully translated anywhere? And roughly how many chapters are there left to see drawn

The long ass hiatus made me nearly forget this is peak READY FOR THE BEST ARC TO FINALLY SHOW UP THIS SEASON

Totally Normal BL Enjoyer followed a goer
06 12,2024