MsUsagi's feed

I think this had a lot of potential but kinda missed the spot.
Look i like the poor-girl-meets-the-prince trope just as much as the next girl but this time she was just so bland, so goody two shoes for no reason, i just couldn't care about her.
The relationship was rushed, the end was rushed, it feels like half the plot was cut. They went out to tour the kingdom and saw two places and that was it? The brother was causing trouble all around but it was a *gasp* moment when ml said he was the one that put the bounty on her?
I don't know, i'm sure i forgot more things that didn't quite click for me, but in the end the problem is: the main couple is too bland, you could describe them with a word each, she is kind he is princely and that's it, the plot forgot to exist around the middle, jumping all around, things happening with absolutely no foreshadowing or so much so that it was obvious.
Again, a lot of potential, could be great, fumbled the execution.
TLDR> I wish it was more like Hana and The Beastman an less like your run of the mill "too kind to exist, but being a doormat makes you attractive" type of plot.