shiroyasha like the answer
I was being hiden by my older brother behind the freezer and my famly kept searching for me but didn't found me they asked my brother and he said he didn't knew anything, i was just chiling there behind the freezer without even saying a word or crying just there like that "(⊙…⊙ )" let me tell you i was still a fucking child like 1 year old or......
shiroyasha answered question about made true friends
I bet no one can find my ID, cuz it's really difficult
shiroyasha followed a goer

stan Gordon Ramsay for 15 years of good luck

Currently: stressed LMFAOOOOO

Hail granpussay and Satan y’all

I’m also Carlos. The bug.

(hopefully) past username: pussay sangwoowoo 
idk how to change my stupid user

06 06,2021
shiroyasha followed question about made true friends

The rules are pretty simple Every homepage has a link, right? #1. Type a few random numbers on the number bit of the link, until you get a legit link to a random user's homepage. #2. Send them a message on their Message board (anything- a greeting, a recommendation, a joke. be nice~) #3. And tak......

06 06,2021
shiroyasha like the answer
What we doing right now are we trying to report somebody acc or some? Edit : Mangago is the chosen one
shiroyasha answered question about not get out of bed
That's the proof that bnha has one of the toxiest fandoms in the universe
shiroyasha followed question about not get out of bed

06 06,2021
shiroyasha like the experience about lose weight
Anyone know the name of this manwha in the pic?
shiroyasha like the experience about lose weight
Now that I got your guys attention, anyone know the name of this story/ stories or the artist(s)?
shiroyasha followed a goer
shiroyasha like the answer
Wait, can a man suck his own dick. Like you'll have to bend so can your mouth reach it?!?? Now I am KonFUsed.
shiroyasha followed a goer

I hate everyone equally, I don't 

             NOT A MF FUJO
             Leave me alone.
         ASS IF YOU BOTHER ME.   

   ╚══`.¸.[BIBLE SMUT] jkjk.

▀▄▄▄▄▄▀▀    ONLY EARL GRAY


                LET'S BE FRIENDS

03 06,2021