You essentially have 22546376 minutes to live till you die.
That are 375773 hours and 15658 days. Let's say you spend
3 hours every day scrolling through mangago. That will cost
you approximately 60500 hours in which you could have
learned Korean, Calculus, Quantum Mechanics,
Japanese and every country on earth. Instead you
decided playing high school class once again, because
you actually like to socialize even though you don't admit it.
And you actually liked the high school times even though
you don't admit it. And while you read this and think about
how wrong I am and the fact that I read way to often
Nietzsche's Aufklärung (I recommend), you didn't realize
a minute passed. So, you now have only 22546375
minutes left to live. And you also didn't realize it must have
taken me at least three minutes to write this.