It may be common sense to think that Ai is a normal girl who gets hurt but the author's so good at making her seem to be that weirdly invincible otherworldly being that even I subconsciously believed so.

My thoughts? Ai has some serious issues so severe I'd believe it whole heartedly that Ai was truly as invincible as she comes across, if only for just a moment. Of course, not without a cost. I mean, Ai pretended for so long that she had essentially embodied her act as the loving, shining, invincible liar idol to the point where she avoided saying she loved her own kids who she clearly wanted and cared for because she was afraid she would lie. Does this make sense? I don't know. Basically, something something mental block something something she definitely has psychological developmental issues because she was, what, sixteen when she had her twins, so just think how rough a childhood she had lived something something trauma made her the way she is, basically gaslit herself to this point and now she can't say "I love you" to her children. AI is insane, I think that's wonderful.
Let him cook