Honestly this manhwa ain't that bad at the start but then it just went downhill... there are just too many plot holes to this story. Characters also for some reason became dumber as the story progresses till the point where I cant even comprehend their logic as to why they did certain things. Sorry lemme rant about this story. Idk maybe I skimmed through this manhwa and missed out some stuff but please correct me if im wrong here:
The Emperor only sabotage FL family just because they had too much power? The emperor literally had the daughter married to the Prince to the point that he had control over the prime minister. Even if the PM has some dirt over the emperor that can ruin his position as emperor, what the PM wants was his daughter's happiness, the daughter at the time was happily to be married to the Prince. I honestly cant see why the emperor thought it was a great decision to frame the PM, and casually forgets the get out of jail free card that he gave to the FL.
Dont even get me started on why the emperor didn't think it was a better idea to make use of the FL more since she helped him solved many problems, does the emperor really do not have a brain to think that having the FL by his side is way more worth than banishing her since she helped solve so many of the countries problems. idk maybe the emperor is just stupid because people are stupid.
And also I was also looking forward to how the Yun family will survive after they got kicked out of the country because Shan Yun was alr prepared for this scenario, only to get swooped up by some unknown Prince who apparently fell in love with her (i honestly dk if he ever got introduced in the story to say how he fell in love with her) and nothing else was said about the business.
Its the same about her mystical powers of healing. The sent people to investigate on it right after the incident. I guess no one found any information because we didnt receive an update as well. It was only mentioned once in the story and never to be brought up again.
There are still many things that this manhwa needs improvement on, i wouldn't say it was that bad because i enjoyed reading the front part of the manhwa. To me, it just slowly went down hill. idek if they can save the story anymore. This manhwa had potential but currently I dont see it going anywhere, or maybe its just not to my liking, which led to me dropping the manhwa.