Yuki no Sora(⌐■-■)'s feed


I can understand why people are angry at the doctor because she as a person is behaving really disgustingly, but as a doctor she is kinda right because weed does help sooth physical pain that's why in this generation it's being prescribed to help certain people. There's also the facts that she knows the effect of what weed does to people but as for the shackles it's never been heard of before, so even though we understand from FL 's p.o.v from a doctors or researchers p.o.v. it's kinda odd to be trying this on a dying person although we do this frequently in modern society.
For example a family who has a long line of heart attacks and seizures watches a family member about to die because of it and then a random person say, I have something that "might help" might because it's not factual it's theoretical and because it's a theory makes it feel more scary. As a person of that family you might think that this person can 1. Try to help or 2. Is experimenting on your loved one. Due to how severe the characters symptoms in the story are and the close ties between the family the blue haired girl as a doctor has a right to get angry about some random person to her offering something that might cause a bad reaction