The story is kinda...interesting
I'm sure the children have some...sort of merit, MC is Ludkelna can't use magic (?) the prince is a beast, but all of a sudden the 'great witch' Callia just loses her mind, nothing at all is explained (later on we also know Callia created the Cerberus) and wow boom oh my god the great spring fairy :D teehee adults and she dies. That was strange.
And then "Oh my gooooood, I just have to separate the children D: " also did not understand. Feels like tape hastily stuck there to stick the next page of plot together. I honestly just quick scrolled through those parts. It's quite nice that they gave Daisy, the MC a liking for medicine, but perhaps it's the way they've structured the manhwa but it just feels like they slap on some info about it when they feel like it.
The rate they're introducing characters doesn't feel very natural and although I have no trouble keeping up with who is who, I can only imagine a flimsy 2D blur of colour when you give me the names.
Nice art though. However, the only reason I'm writing this is because I'm procrastinating and I'm bored.
It has beautiful art and the plot is nice but some things are incongruent with the settings.
She's a prosecutor. That's involved within the realm of law but doesn't really involve dealing and infiltrating gambling rings.
It's a really sensationalised TV-like portrayal you'd see of a professional vocation of a prosecutor.
It would have made more sense to pull the fact she was part of FBI or CIA as a deus ex machina...
There were a few more that I kind of forgot.
Anyways - hot characters, just need to toggle my brain off for a bit when I read (=・ω・=)