It was cringy when he fell in love with the bird first. Like duude if i ever talked to a polite bird I would see them more as a friend and not fall in love. But the last chapter in 15.5 when they talked about him being in a different crow and he felt it was cool. So it kinda redeemed it by making it that he fell in love with whats on the inside lol
That secret sentence or whatever made me so mad after the author her/him self didn't seem to know whats exactly written. Why is it a secret to us readerssss??? Huhhh????? *its their secret* the faqq it aint. We see them doo all the nasty and ya'll doing us dirty for not telling us whats written on it????
I have mixed feelings about this.
I Didn't like it but at the same time I don't regret reading it, this had so much potential, and could've gone deeper. This is just purely my own opinion, and I think others will like this one