OK I just started this so I'm not as far as everyone else but I'd like to know how you got there, this seme is disgusting using the fact that he owns the shop to make his employee do stuff like this is fucking sick and somehow they will end up together it's even more annoying idk how to get past this dude

This uke is pitiful he's so indecisive about his life being stuck on the fact that he's poor he let's many good people go, if only he'd realize that he devaules himself way more than the people around him do, he is the one putting up a wall due to a few people not everyone treats him badly for being poor but he only sees the opposite

I don't think he let people go. Someone said that it's translated wrong when he said that he can't be with his girlfriend because he is poor. He was gay that's why he couldn't be with her. And to be honest that girl was selfish. As the seme said. She is one of the rich girls that wants to have everything.
And the seme was an idiot to. He raised uke's hopes but that was just an illusion because it wasn't his plan to date him

I agree with you I think she's quite selfish but that seems to be out of love I guess I would have to see more from her but I did not like the way she made him jump through hoops just to let him go so I feel I agree with you in her regards I'm still on the fence about the seme seem like he likes him but has his own difficulties the the uke is unaware of but if I go by his thoughts about himself if those are translated correctly he uses it as a barrier for him an others, yes he encounters ass holes quite often but there are good ones too, that's how I hope he can see it later on I guess.

Will the first couple come back and have a proper storyline does anyone know? Reading about Mathew and his good life is a bit.. leaves a bad taste in my mouth he should be in jail not getting married nothing about him has been redeemed but he has a family and people are rooting for that it’s crazy idk I understand the author but nothing will make me like him and I think the uke is cute but stupid and no offense to the author but I hate the way he made all that bullshit make sense too, it’s fine because their fated garbage this seme is complete and utter garbage so I have dropped these extras but I wondered if the first couple came back is all? Oh btw I know this is an unpopular opinion, so if you must disagree with me I ask that you be respectful about it.

I don't like how Mitya story ended he never got any closer and they made him feel worse the author could have left that part out of there wasn't going to be any closer it makes no sense really, the love was there it seemed like she was trying to give him a storyline the stop half way through to end it I don't know but it doesn't make sense to me it's a great story but just a bad job telling Mitya's back story too open ended

Idk who re-uploaded this but wtf bro you’ve messed up the manga really chapter v1-15 were readable without struggling through small words because you uploaded a book instead you should have left it alone and uploaded only the digital copies you got you’ve made the re-read annoying now

Yes yes it will get disliked and bashed my comment I mean but before you do also keep this in mind the same way this translator worked to put this out someone else did before them and when you upload over them your also discounting their hard work as well and in my opinion its better reading it page by page rather than in a book and I’ve read this a long time ago and nothing was wrong besides a few missing pages that were put up eventually so this is my opinion and your free to have your even about this comment this is just my reply early on to the comments that will come…
Some how the official translation had taken away from the story’s romance I’m not sure if it’s the words they chose to translate this in but picking up a dictionary to find the word that fit best to relay the emotion of the story would have been better to me just my opinion tho
Do you think it’s better to read the unofficial translation?
Well you say unofficial but some of those translations are correct and in this official one all they did was change the words there’s not much difference between this and the second translation except for the word they chose, it’s closer to the English language but somehow for me the grammar chosen takes away from the emotion, as I said choose different words that convey both the emotion of the original author but with language we can understand, I take nothing away from anyone’s work this is just my sole opinion as one who speaks several languages
I think there was a bit of misunderstanding. I wasn’t trying to argue, I just wanted an honest opinion bc I haven’t started reading this yet and wanted to know which of the translations i should read it from
i would recommend reading the official.. the fan translations sufficed at the time, but in the end, it had its own issues like grammar or random TL notes that had nothing to do with the story.