This is research based off the raws so I can't go full scholar mode but any confusing points I can elaborate but not greatly cuz I need the translations too.
Kiyoon - A fragment of a reincarnation of Muni? A part of Muni that is indifferent to the young master. (I think it would be cool if he was actually the snake cuz Muni was dog trash)
Is aware of ghosts likes to pretend so much he confuses himself. Or the author shifts perspective making him an unreliable POV narrative. (The author is confusing every single fan it looks like but the art keeps us loyal)
Regardless of what ghost form the young master takes he is shown to always dislike him compared to the other two characters he is intimate with.
Manager - Is a reincarnation of young master. Often possessed by young master . Has no apparent memories of the past and I think the young master wants him as a vessel somehow. As they are basically two separate entities at the moment.
Ghost Manager/Fake manager(underdog male lead) - The masturbating ghost - The most confusing character or most mysterious hopefully on purpose not because the author is high. A demon? A ghost made by long neck? He perfers the managers form and mostly posseses him. Obeyed long neck and technically not anybodys incarnation. Likely a stray ghost.
Ghost Young master (Antagonist)- Kiyoon subconsciously treats ghost young master worse than Manager and ghost manager,which I find interesting. Utter psycho his presence is still a mystery I think. I legit don't know when he appeared probably after season 1. He ain't a good guy.
To tell the ghosts apart I think is the eyes. The fake manager has yellow eyes.
Long neck dude (Antagonist)-long neck ghost is controlling the narrative and fates as revenge? or out of obsession. A snake demon who embody Muni's obsessions. he has an obsession with reuniting Jumin and the manager, as he believes they are both incarnations of their past selves. Not entirely sure of the intention it can't be good. Or perhaps he wants to taint them. No clue. He a hot mess.
Shaman - is possibly predecessor to a older Shaman who assisted young master with his wickedness. Her purpose is uncertain but their should be clues that ghost manager points out. Later gets possessed by the long neck ghost.
Jumin- Annoying Uke co-worker - Another possible fragment reincarnated soul of Muni. Who remains obsessed with Young masters incarnated form manager. Works with long neck to monopolize Manager(subconsciously?)
Muni - Hate this guy like a pick me Stan from what I saw he assisted the young master in assaulting sexual partners(with the biggest smile mind you). He did everything he was told and the young master barely even liked him. He got sick and when dying/or dead the young master suddenly developed an interest in him. He Died obsessed with Young master. But before he did they attempted to merge him with a supernatural snake by chopping him up and feeding him to imugi who then appeared to take Muni form.
Believed by long neck to be reincarnated as someone...
___As I personally read many Asian style horror novels I suspect that it is a misdirection that long neck is the snake-spirit Muni. Although he believes he is purely Muni. I think as well as an evil corrupted spirit, this snake dude thing is a combination of victims created by young master. Or just crazy Muni who wasn't allowed to reincarnate as his obsession is too strong/ or the imugi they used could've utterly tainted his soul.___
In conclusion Kiyoon might be the Imugi. My evidence? His ability to see ghosts his attachment to that Shaman who happens to be the sister of his friend. As if they are trying to make amends with the past?? His glowing red eyes. His confused memories of Muni.
Bruhh ngl I confused myself
Dropped!!!!! !
Minimal investigation led me to understand a few things.
-Ruined life? No thanks
-A dog is involved!????
-Still ends up with the Ml who ruined his life??
My imagination done the math leave this one in the gutter! Trust me...
Literally could've adapted any other toxic novel.