For the love of all that is holy.... BURN THEM IN THE DEEPEST AND HOTTEST FIRE OF HELL!! MY WORD!! THE DISRESPECT AND NERVE! Grandma's dead and they didn't even have an ounce of respect for her or dignity left in them, morals left these people. Aaaa, I'm so mad!!! No matter what these two do to the people in the billage would be justified, no questions entertained. Just the sheer fcking nerve to disrespect a person's final resting place like that while having the knowledge that they didn't even helped her when she tumbled down the road. AAAAAAA!!!!! ITS HARD WHEN THEY'RE INSIDE THE SCREEN, YOU CANT SLAP EM!!!!!

Man, one thing shitty people should learn and always remember is that u dont use the family card on illusions, it will always bite you back hard in the ahh after. Raoul knows, you can see in that one small panel where he's thinking and convinced himself it wasn't an illusion and went with it. These stupid fckers would cry in the next chapters u don't use his family like that bruv

On here bud, https://rawkuma.com/manga/fukushuu-o-koinegau-saikyou-yuusha-wa-yami-no-chikara-de-senmetsu-musou-suru/
Tho the ads are a bit annoying but still good

I like it a lot since its a new plot, I enjoyed the setting and characters as well as the pacing BUT I AM SO MAD THEY KILLED RITREL??!! DO THEY HAVE TO DO MY BOY DIRTY LIKE THAT???? Until the ending, I can't move on from him dying like that. He woulda been a great uncle ughhh. All of this was because of that pos king, aiyaa, and considering a lot of irl in position people are like that but also due to revenge of the wife, having no healthy coping mechanism and 5 stages of grief really. But I will die on ritrel's hill, he didn't have to die to start the war arc like that.

I honestly liked it?? I like how they just focused on her making perfume and not anything else, this story was so relaxing and no unnecessary misunderstanding, a chill ride for a change. Although there are quite a few plot holes that weren't solved, its still good. I wish there was more tho, side stories no? Kinda wanna see their married life a little and maybe some kids but yeah, its good. Totally recommend if you wanna just chill and not stress about any characters. Kinda sad for the villain tho, kids copy what they see and go with it so he went down the wrong road there.

He needs to unfriend those two sht, even if your friend's relationship is "rocky" you dont do/pull shit like this. This is why some friends of your partner aint your friends too. God, my blood is boiling!!! AND YOU DON'T ANSWER SOMEONE ELSE'S PHONE UNLESS THEY TELL YOU TO! KEEPS YOUR MFKING HANDS TO YOURSELF!!!!!!! BOUNDARIES!!!!! FFS!!! Ah, its hard to slap someone when they're inside your phone. I know its fiction but fcking hell, thinking that some people are like this irl gets me going. His friends (these two) are for the streets!!!!

A handsome man crying is truly a work of art! My sister in christ (or whatever you believe in really) PREACH!!!!! SPEAK OF THE TRUTH!!! PREAAAAAAACH!!! Cant say truer (if that is a word) words than this!! Man, I wanna be courtney so bad BECAUSE THE THINGS I WOULD DO TO THIS MAN!!! RICHARD!!! YOU ARE A UNIVERSE GIVEN FICTION MAN TO EVERY DOWN BAD WOMAN
I want the story between kaneda and taira