In Chapter 21-The prince really be singing "BeFoRe yOu CaMe tO My lIfE~ EvErYtHiNG wAs BlAcK aNd WhIte~ NoW aLl I sEe ArE cOlOuRs ~ PrIm yOu BrOuGhT cOlOuRs To mY LiFe~ "
He just dream of going back to his own world like when u jump on the cliff u will get flashback of ur own past life like what happen to him now. So when he woke up he back again in there. Like soul sec travel hahahah nvm
He just dream of going back to his own world like when u jump on the cliff u will get flashback of ur own past life like what happen to him now. So when he woke up he back again in there. Like soul sec travel h... †ʜAᴋAɱ (눈‿눈).
In Chapter 21-The prince really be singing
"BeFoRe yOu CaMe tO My lIfE~
EvErYtHiNG wAs BlAcK aNd WhIte~
NoW aLl I sEe ArE cOlOuRs ~
PrIm yOu BrOuGhT cOlOuRs To mY LiFe~ "
hahahaha for reals??
Thats soo sweet
And cringe
Im sorry(≧∀≦)
Lmao yes
Lmfao ikr
xD you dont need to apologize