I just read the most rude comment anyone ever had to say about gays. Now look everyone is entitled to their own opinion and everyone is entitled to like who they want. I'm okay with that. What I'm not okay with is small minded assholes who think it's okay to slander others and put them down because they like the same gender.
Seriously?? We're not in the stone ages it's 2018 the world is changing grow the fuck up already. It pisses me off when people are mean to each other, this is one of the main problems in our world.
When are we going to stop looking at each other and hating the person we see for what they wear, who they like, or what fucking color they are? Holy crap people grow up already and realize that none of that matters, were all human! We all bleed fucking red.
Shit like this pisses me off and I know this place is for asking questions but I just really felt the need to put this out there... the time is now, stop bullying others for stupid things like what they wear, who they like, and their skin tone and stand up you guys seriously... Stand up for all those kids or teenagers or adults who are being bullied about things like this...
It's not right... and I don't have the right to preach to all of you, its not what I'm here for either... But this has got to stop... for all of you saying being gay is a sin.... Yeah sure in the bible it probably does say that, I won't say it doesn't but it also says we should love they neighbor... It's one of the ten commandments... So what's that say about all of you guys showing all this hate... if you ask my opinion I'd call you a hypocrite because everyone has sinned and for you guys to try to use the bible against gays is wrong....
For everyone who's read my whole spiel up till now thank you for taking the time and reading it...
Oh and one more thing, all of you who say you're going to beat your child if they come out to you... You don't deserve that precious child and you shouldn't be having kids... if you can't be happy for your child no matter who they like and love them unconditionally you don't deserve to be a parent... and that doesn't just go for kids who come out that goes for all those children out there who are disabled or just born with parents like that... I'm here message me, come talk to me... I will always listen to you and help you however I can...and not just kids, teenagers, adults, I don't mind... if you need someone I'm here...
Thanks for reading all of this sorry to waste your time
So I havent been on mangago in almost a year now and when I logged in and searched through more manga on my phone...I didnt know how to add it to my lists.... help please!!!
there is a part where you can mark the status of the manga, right (plan to read, reading, read)? scroll down and you'll find it below the comments, on the right corner of "recommended lists"
Awesome! Thank you so much, I was getting so confused.
no problem ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~