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Mayoi Ayase created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Okay i've made a very very slim chance this might be the correlation theory on Mi-oks story vs. Mr. Kwons and Hos relationship

My theory is: the normality she speaks is definitely connected to her view and feelings of normal, meaning: what she's used to. (it's selfish & homophobic yup :/)

She probably thinks that IF and WHEN the people in their village finds out about their relationship the normality SHE'S used to would change significantly. She conforms to the majority coz she wants to be normal to fit in. (In her own view, which again just makes her look and sound more and more selfish since when she's telling her story, it seems her friends do genuinely like her and her company (ᵕ—ᴗ—))

In the end she basically doesn't want a change that she doesn't approve of, any change that would break what is normal for her (눈_눈) Kinda like scared of stepping out of the box, but the situation is she does have people who care she's just stubborn

Of course she doesn't deserve to be neglected by her parents, no one does. But her whole trauma dump and basically almost ranging self-centeredness stopped her from seeing the bigger picture, that Mr.Kwon and Ho are adults who know that there may be bumps in their relationships (no relationship doesn't have small bumps after all, and it can be solved with communication and understanding) ( ◡_◡)ᕤ

Afterall this was already addressed at the end of season 1, when Ho was talking to his friend overseas, and was asked the question if he's sure about this and Ho answered that he's not entirely sure. I always saw this as his acceptance to the relationship he entered, and how even tho he's not sure about the future he's moving forward with this since he said it with a smile

Anyways sorry for taking up too much of your time. Also this is just my personal theory, trying to connect Mi-oks 1+1=5 equation to her story and their relationship xD Again sorry for the wall of text and ramblings

I believe in their love, Mr.Kwon and Ho forever as well as Unknown(๑>•๑)