I've seen long title but this... its another level
I was excited to see Haribo release another work but I'm not sure anymore after the 1st chp... I love ateotr w my life and I really like mad dog but the extra were not so good and it seem that the new work will be worse
The rating is low by this site's standards, but people in the comments say it's good
The man on the cover looks like Ivan from alien stage
Wait! So is name isn't Axel Blaise!? Why did I have to found it like this
This is already so good, why do he have to be twinkyfied how will that happen? I hope the cover is wrong
Is it me, or is there more Gl than there was in the past??
I think it's good news
I'll not read the rest it's horrible!
I know where this is going: he'll threaten her to "protect" her, he'll be a "good" father, she'll fall in love with him.
And that bc there will always be people like those on the comments to justify this type of actions when they're clearly WRONG!!
Did the ml know of the mc identity in the 1st chapter when he win the bet and ask to meet him??
Honestly I was defending the flashbacks till but it's really becoming too much. It feel like two different story, Brian and Ian don't look alike at all
It's so funny to me that people won't stop complaining about the placeholders as if we're not reading on an illegal website! Like be patient or go buy the chapter !!
Is it me or are they growing up? It seems that they're older than they were in the beginning
Yeah! GO GET YOUR GIRL!! I knew it was impossible for the mc to be this weak, she has to have at least some power or something like this!! Anyway the last 3 chapters were great
OML!! We didn't wait this chapter for nothing it was worth the 2weeks hiatus